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Hoping to be Less Wrong07/30/20
Grab and Go Meals08/03/20
Pick Up Grab-and-Go Meals at APS High Schools Starting in August07/30/20
Register Online for the 2024-2021 School Year安卓加速器永久破解版
Have You Responded to the Census Yet? It's Not Too Late!07/30/20
Santo Domingo Pueblo Feast Day
Board Members Attend Virtual NALEO 37th Annual Conference
Board of Education Meeting
Board Members Attend Virtual NALEO 37th Annual Conference
No students on campus before 8:30am - students can be on the playground starting at 8:30am
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
First bell - 8:55
Tardy bell - 9:00
Recess - K-2nd 2:00-2:20
3rd-5th 10:20-10:40
Lunch - 3rd 11:05-11:35
4th 11:25-11:55
5th 11:45-12:15
2nd 12:05-12:35
1st 12:25-12:55
K 12:45-1:15
Dismissal - 3:45
First bell - 8:55
Tardy bell - 9:00
Fitness - 2nd, 5th 11:00-11:10
K, 3rd 11:30-11:40
1st, 4th 12:00-12:10
Lunch - 2nd, 5th 11:10-11:30
加速器破解 11:40-12:00
1st, 4th 12:10-12:30
Dismissal bell - 1:00
Monday - Friday 8:55 - 1:00
uu加速器使用海外会员在国内有用吗,在国内买海外的行不行 ...:2021-6-13 · 你在国内的话 外服游戏加速会员就行了 是,废话 还过于简略,就这么简单你要我说多少字 推荐使用迅游。至于uu加速。所有服务器还是单独服务器,貌似是要自己设置的吧 1、功能上有区别 VIP为外服游戏加速,SVIP为境外加速国服同时支持VIP的功能(加速服务包含:加速国服游戏 + 加速外服游 …
- AM 8:55-11:45
- PM 1:00-3:45
- AM 8:55-10:30
- PM 11:30-1:00